Saturday, May 9, 2020

What Is Schizoid Personality Disorder - 749 Words

Schizoid Personality Disorder Hunter Boumans Central Louisiana Technical Community College †¢ DEFINITION- Aka SPD, is a â€Å"Cluster A† disorder characterized by a lack of interest in relationships, a tendency towards a solitary or sheltered lifestyle, emotional coldness, and apathy. These people may seem distant, detached, and indifferent in their interactions. Schizoid personality disorder is NOT the same as schizophrenia despite their names being similar, however some of the behavioral symptoms may be alike. †¢ POSSIBLE CAUSE/RISK FACTORS- The specific cause of SPD is unknown, however genetic and environmental factors during childhood may cause a development of this disorder. Risk Factors- Blood relative who has schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder or schizophrenia. Growing up in a non-nurturing household or in a situation without parents (such as orphanage). †¢ SIGNS/SYMPTOMS- Prefer to be alone majority of the time. Take pleasure in only a few activities No social relationships Indifferent to praise or criticism Express little to no emotion They do not care about appearance Prefer to work alone They do not enjoy social activities †¢ TREATMENT- ïÆ'Ëœ Therapy- people with this SPD don’t usually seek medical attention because they don’t feel they need relief, and they don’t like interacting with doctors in a social setting. When medical attention is sought, group or individual talk therapy is used to increase coping skills,Show MoreRelatedSchizoid Personality Disorder Essays1115 Words   |  5 Pagesstopped and thought maybe its something deeper? Maybe these kids have a mental disorder that causes them to be that way. Maybe, just maybe, its not even their own choice but its forced upon them by abusive and neglectful parents that obliterate their children’s trust so far that they cant even function in society as a regular human being. This mental disorder is called Schizoid personality disorder. 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